Increased Coverage | More Frequent Testing | Improved Efficiency
Revolutionizing Regulatory Compliance.
Now you can test your ENTIRE portfolio within minutes to determine if you are compliant with all state and federal laws and regulations, eliminating the need for manual testing.
- Reporting and analytics to trend regulatory compliance performance.
- Loan level detail just a click away.
- Click below to see how our suite of reporting and analytics capabilities provide operational insight into regulatory compliance.
Our Investors
Case Study
Working with a large national financial institution, VALIDATOR produced full-population automated compliance testing, reducing costs and increasing efficiency.
VALIDATOR tests over 99% more loans in less than 1% of the time. Now do in 20 minutes what it would take one year and 500 people to complete.
Calculate Your In-Year ROI
By using Azimuth Validator, our customers see significant efficiency gains and cost savings.
Find out what your institution’s savings are with our ROI Calculator.
We Turn Source Law
and Regulations
Into Data
Azimuth operationalizes law by turning source law into data which can be leveraged in workflow and tested.
Azimuth Validator
VALIDATOR automates full population testing of regulatory requirements and provides real-time dashboards and advanced analytics to monitor your organization’s compliance efforts.