VALIDATOR automates full-population testing of regulatory requirements, provides real-time dashboards and offers advanced analytics to monitor your organization’s compliance.
Azimuth provides interactive reporting, real-time dashboards, and advanced analytics across portfolios of tests and loans by product.
Access to loan level detail is just a click away.
With automated full-population compliance testing, institutions are reducing the cost of maintaining regulatory compliance while also expanding coverage.
Consider a portfolio of one million loans. To get a 95% confidence interval with a 5% error rate, you would only need to test 383 loans. That means you have 999,617 unknowns that could leave you open to risk.
With Validator, automated testing can happen daily where today’s manual process may limit to annual testing. Institutions can prevent both regulatory and customer issues through early detection and remediation, providing a fair and equitable experience for all customers.
Despite advancements in technology, most financial institutions today still rely on sample-based compliance testing, primarily because they lack the tools to move away from outdated, manual processes. Validator solves this challenge by increasing productivity.
Up until recently, full-population testing hasn’t been possible. Institutions were forced to manually test portfolios because the technology simply didn’t exist.
Today, it does. Whether you embrace innovation now, or wait for it to become a standard, full-population compliance testing is inevitable.
Irrespective of the type of asset class, Validator can assess your COMPLETE portfolio in minutes to determine whether you comply with all state and federal laws and regulations.
Download more information about Validator and HMDA Validator. You can also use our calculator to find out your In-Year ROI.
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